Future Diary Wiki

Initialization (初期化, Shokika) is the twenty-sixth and final episode of the Future Diary anime.


Yuki prepares to go with his parents to see the stars unaware that he was trapped by Yuno in an illusion world.

Muru Muru who returns to normal, contemplates her victory over Minene and heals Yuno's father to avoid a paradox. With everything set Muru Muru tells Yuno to kill her third self. Yuno thinks that after killing her third self, everything will be fine so as long as she says goodbye to the second Yuki and meets the third one. Her third self slowly awakens as she calls her parents, and asks Yuno who is she. Yuno does not reveal her identity but tells the third self of the horrible events that she will eventually go through. Yuno says that it is fine as she will not have to suffer, but her third self says she's not suffering. Angered Yuno says that what she says is a lie, that she's in fact suffering, but the third Yuno insists she's not suffering as she has faith her family can be loving once more if she endures it, as she loves her parents. Yuno remembers in shock that what her third self says is true and that she indeed believed her suffering would end, as she begins to wonder how did she become what she is now. However Yuno replies that she has somebody to see, and her third self asks if she has somebody she loves.

Muru Muru contemplates in horror that the Casuality Continuum is being altered drastically and the source comes from within the illusion world. Within the fantasy, Yuki begins to behave strangely and his father asks what's wrong. Yuki says he's sorry but that he cannot go see the starts as planned. Her mother says that he was looking for it a lot. Yuki affirms that he does want to see the starts but has a feeling he needs to do something important.

Back in the third world, Keigo Kurusu arrives at Sakurami Middle School along with Masumi Nishijima and Saika Gasai. She notices her husband at the roof and leaves in a rush, prompting Kurusu to command Nishijima to check if there is anybody hurt. Muru Muru sees in shock that the Continuum is undergoing a massive change, which is making the future change at incredibly fast speeds, urguing Yuno to kill her third self. Meanwhile Nishijima finds the hurt but still alive Minene.

The future changes as a member of the Omekata Cult shows to Tsubaki that there is a bomb in her parents's car, and the culprit is detained and shown to be Funatsu. He berrated Tsubaki calling a fool girl who cannot do anything on her own, but Tsubaki reaffirms the Cult exists to help the weak and never for evil. Muru Muru notices Tsubaki's future has changed, and that with this change Reisuke's future has also changed as his parents no longer join the twisted sect. In a black alley Yomotsu runs and apprehends the serial killer Hiyama in one of his vigilante missions, with the murdering asking if he's "the freak" that has been appearing lately, to which Yomotsu answers he's not a freak but a hero. In the Dog House, owned by Karyuudo he notices the dogs being quiet and finds his daughter Hinata attending to them. Karyuudo asks Hinata about what she's doing, and she replies that she is his daughter, and claims she has been with them for a rather long time, and asks her father if he could teach her how to train them. In the Mother's Home, Kamado receives a call from Balks regarding assistance for the orphanage. Orin Miyashiro has a call from Ai and says the orphanage is fine. Back in their apartment Ai says to Marco that everything is fine, and Marco suggests they sleep as they win nothing worrying about what is happening around. Balks is asked by his secretary if it is ok, and Balks says it is as the future is changing, and that his Diary even if incomplete has predicted his death. Balks then goes to talk with Deus and says that his Diary has not only predicted his death but how Yuno will not save the world but instead time leap back to the past, which causes Deus to think of a new choice to select his successor.

Muru Muru sees that the future of all the Diary Holders has been altered and with the changes at such speed the second world and the game are at danger. Yuno reads entries in her own Diary that shows her worried about Yuki who is still trapped, as she says to her third self that she wants to be with Yuki and must kill her for that to happen.

Yuno attempts to kill her third self, but his father blocks the knife, surprising Yuno. Yuki in the illusion world says to his parents that he must do something even if he wants to go with them, and his parents ask him if it is about "the girl he cannot remember". Saika arrives and finds Ushio and the third Yuno, and rushes to their side. Yuki's parents encourage him saying that he is their son. Yuno thinks in how she always believed that they could be a family again but that day never came. Kurusu helds Yuno at gunpoint asking if she's the cause of the destruction, while Yuno realizes the future has changed because of Yuki's actions. Yuki's parents say to Yuki that he should be able to remember her name as he prefers her over the fantasy and say that he should do what he thinks is right. Yuno contemplates her actions and feels that what she is doing is not right, but in a fit of despair decides to kill the three of them as she claims she loves Yuki dearly even if she dies, and rushes to attack. However Yuki who slowly calls Yuno's name is capable of saying it completelly and breaks the illusion embracing Yuno. Yuno does not understand, but Yuki says he's there to save her. Along Yuki the Muru Muru of the second world that was trapped along him, blocks a bullet from Kurusu, and quickly restrains her first self in revenge.

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Yukiteru kisses the dying Yuno for the last time.

Yuno happily embrances Yuki as she sees he has chosen her over his dreams, but Yuki asks her to kill him as she does not belong in the third world and he's ready to die to create a better place for her. Yuno reads her Diary and agrees to his wish. Muru Muru thinks that it is fine if Yuno wins the game. Yuki says he has killed a lot people so he can accept death, however Yuno says she can't kill him and with sincere love for Yuki, stabs herself instead saying that this is the future it will be. The dying Yuno asks to Yuki a final kiss and he complies, her Diary revealing that even if she's dying she's at peace, with her praising Yuki's kissing. The second Muru Muru, with the fragment of Deus in in her hand, recognizes Yuki as the victor and the two jump back to the second world, while Yuki contemplates in sorrow that Yuno is dead, with Yuki finally being a god.

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Minene Uryu with her two babies.

In the third world the first Minene married with Nishijima and they have two children. She watches the news reports that says her third self is in Japan. Minene jokingly praises her third self, and Nishijima says she shouldn't say it as if it was not her concern, and Minene just says to Nishijima to do his best to "catch her again". Nishijima phones Kurusu and apologizes for not picking him up, as Kurusu is seen with his wife and his son alive, and healing. Yomotsu pays a visit to Hiyama, with him replying if he has nothing better to do. Ai and Marco are happily taking tea outside with Marco seemingly with difficulties to find a job with the pregnant Ai encouraging him. Reisuke is seen happily enjoying his time with his loving parents. A sleeping Tsubaki is covered in clothes by her parents and happily smiles. Orin is seen with a fellow orphan, wishing a safe trip to both Kamado and Balks who are engaged. Kosaka is seen with Akise with a female dog, being watched by Hinata and Mao who wonder what are they doing, before Karyuudo says it is time to leave. Deus asks Muru Muru what has the observer said, and she says there is no further interference from other dimensions.

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The third world's Yuno.

The third Yuno is seen with a happy and normal life hanging with friends. Yuno reveals a new normal Diary with family pictures, to her friends, and mentions she feels as if she has forgotten something as she watches the third Yuki with his parents with Moe Wakaba from afar, but she cannot recall what it is, as the first Muru Muru watches over her as a cellphone adornment.

Yuki is seen in the second world, in where he is god but the world is nothing more than a void and 10,000 years have passed in the second world, with Muru Muru asking Yuki to do something as she's bored of having only an old and overread manga for entertainment. Yuki says that a world without Yuno would be meaningless, and Muru Muru says he should just create a woman. Yuki however does not feel any thrill in the idea and merely says that Muru Muru

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Depressed Yuki after 10,000 years being god

will understand if she falls in love with someone. Muru Muru says she already like him, but Yuki calmly says he didn't mean that. Yuki begins to wonder how the third Yuno is doing and if she's happy, but he has no way to know as the two worlds have been separated, as he watches his Diary while still mourning her death.

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Yukiteru's "new" final entry.

Then, just before the ending the Diary of Yuki changes and displays: "Yuno came back to me." With the words "Next Project" appearing next.

Anime & Manga Differences

  • Muru Muru does not put the third selves of Yuki's parents back at home as it was in the manga. Instead she heals Ushio due to changes in previous episodes.
  • Ai and Marco are in an apartment and Ai calls Orin by phone instead of them all being together in the Mother's Home.
  • The changes in the future two years after are expanded on or changed from the manga: Hiyama and Yomotsu's changed future is different in the ending scenes, and for the first time in the series Yomotsu's full face is shown. Ai and Marco are enjoying themselves. Reisuke is with his parents playing. Mao, Hinata, Ouji Kosaka and Aru Akise are seen together along Karyuudo. Balks and Kamado are in some sort of relationship. Tsubaki is shown sleeping happily. Kurusu is happily with his family before being picked up by Nishijima.
    • Yuki and Yuno are not seen together although it is mentioned that the two are reunited, but it is never explained how. It is unknown if the words "Next Project" have something to do with it, however in the manga it is shown how they reunite; Yuno smashes the barrier of space and time in order to reach Yuki across a 10,000 year gap between the second and third worlds, Deus then makes Yuno his successor of the thirth world, both, now gods, go stargazing in the third world as their first act before they create a happy future together.
  • Yuki is seen with much longer hair after his 10,000 years of solitary life.